
Evaluation of GNSS cycle slip detection and location under ionospheric anomaly

  • 摘要: 电离层异常会对GNSS定位的可靠性和定位精度产生负面影响. 研究和消除电离层异常对GNSS观测质量的影响是确保GNSS定位稳定性的重要前提. 本文选取2023年发生的3次电离层异常事件,利用4颗北斗(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)地球同步轨道(geostationary orbit,GEO)卫星的伪距和载波相位数据,对比分析了MW(Melbourne-Wunnema)方法组合与历元差分无几何距离(geometry free,GF)组合的周跳探测性能. 同时,利用精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)评估了电离层异常对GNSS定位性能的影响. 结果表明,在电离层异常情况下依赖固定阈值的MW组合与历元差分GF组合存在周跳漏判情况;电离层异常期间东(E)、北(N)、高程(U)方向的位置精度明显降低,尤其在高程方向更加明显.


    Abstract: Ionospheric anomaly generate negatively affect for the reliability and positioning accuracy of BDS/GNSS. Evaluating and reduction the impact of ionospheric anomaly on the observation quality of BDS/GNSS is an prerequisite for ensuring the stability of BDS/GNSS position services. In this paper, we select three ionospheric anomaly events in 2023. The performance for cycle slip detection of the MW combination and the differential GF combination is compared using pseudorange and carrier phase from four BDS GEO satellites. Meanwhile, the impact of ionospheric anomaly on the BDS /GNSS position services is evaluated using PPP static displacement. The results show that: 1) there may be undetected cycle slip for the MW combination and the differential GF combination relying on fixed thresholds, may have a weekly jump omission. 2) the positional accuracies in three components are significantly reduced, with a more pronounced effect on the elevation direction.


