
Analysis of BDS satellite orbit prediction accuracy under different solar radiation pressure conditions

  • 摘要: 北斗全球卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)已实现全球覆盖,不同光照条件下的轨道预报精度分析对提升系统定位精度、自主导航性能及其应用发展具有重要意义. 当卫星处于非地影期时,3类卫星短期预报最优积分参数为900 s、5阶;地球静止轨道(geostationary orbit,GEO)卫星与倾斜地球同步轨道(inclined geosynchronous orbit,IGSO)卫星长期预报最优积分参数为900 s、5阶,中地球轨道(Earth Medium Orbit, MEO)卫星为300 s、5阶. 当卫星处于地影期时,GEO与IGSO卫星在短期和长期预报中均建议采用ECOM9模型;MEO卫星短期预报建议采用ECOM5模型;采用零偏姿态控制模式的MEO卫星长期预报建议采用ECOM9模型,其余采用连续动偏姿态控制模式的MEO卫星建议采用ECOM5模型. 当卫星处于地影转换期时,采用零偏姿态控制模式的GEO和IGSO卫星,光压变化对轨道预报精度的影响较为显著,采用连续动偏姿态控制模式的IGSO卫星受地影转换期的扰动被有效削弱;MEO卫星受到光压变化影响小,轨道预报精度较为稳定.


    Abstract: The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has achieved global coverage. Analyzing the orbit prediction accuracy under different Solar Radiation Pressure conditions is of great significance for improving system positioning accuracy, autonomous navigation performance, and its application development. When satellites are outside the eclipse period, the optimal integration parameters for short-term predictions of the three types of satellites are 900 s and 5th order. For long-term predictions, the optimal integration parameters for GEO and IGSO satellites are also 900 s and 5th order, while for MEO satellites, they are 300 s and 5th order. When satellites are in the eclipse period, it is recommended to use the ECOM9 model for both short-term and long-term predictions of GEO and IGSO satellites. For MEO satellites, the ECOM5 model is recommended for short-term predictions, while for long-term predictions, the ECOM9 model is suggested for MEO satellites with orbit-normal(ON) mode, and the ECOM5 model for other MEO satellites with continuous yaw-steering(CYS) mode. During the eclipse transition period, for GEO and IGSO satellites with ON mode, the effect of solar radiation pressure on orbit prediction accuracy is more significant, while for IGSO satellites with CYS mode, the disturbances caused by the eclipse transition period are effectively weakened. MEO satellites are less affected by solar radiation pressure changes, and their orbit prediction accuracy remains relatively stable.


