
Universal application of BeiDou for real-time monitoring of urban ground subsidence research

  • 摘要: 在当今城市化迅速发展的背景下,地面沉降等问题对城市的稳定运行和居民生活产生了重要影响,加强对地面沉降的监测能够有效促进防治措施的实施,并降低相关的经济损失. 随着我国北斗卫星导航系统 (BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)的不断发展,该系统在我国的各领域中发挥重要作用. 本文结合普适性BDS接收机、GAMIT/GLOBK高精度定位软件设计了城市地面沉降实时监测网络. 以西安市作为实验区域建立了城市地面实时沉降监测网,结果显示BDS在水平方向监测精度可达3 mm,高程方向监测精度可达10 mm,通过与GPS监测结果相比,BDS在东、北、高程方向的差值均在3 mm之内. 实验证明:普适性北斗在城市地面沉降监测中充分利用其定位精度和实时性等特点,有助于提升城市的风险应对能力,实现更加安全、稳定和可持续的城市发展.


    Abstract: In the context of rapid urbanization today, issues such as land subsidence have a significant impact on the stable operation of cities and the lives of residents. Strengthening the monitoring of land subsidence can effectively promote the implementation of prevention and control measures, and reduce related economic losses. With the continuous development of China’s BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS), this system plays an important role in various fields in our country. This paper, combining universal BeiDou receivers and the high-precision positioning software GAMIT/GLOBK, has designed a real-time monitoring network for urban ground subsidence. Taking Xi’an as the experimental area, a real-time urban ground subsidence monitoring network was established. The results show that the BDS system can achieve a monitoring accuracy of 3 mm in the horizontal direction and 10 mm in the elevation direction. Compared with the monitoring results of the GPS, the differences in the east, north, and elevation directions of the BDS system are all lower than 3 mm. The experiment proves that the universal BeiDou fully utilizes its positioning accuracy and real-time characteristics in urban ground subsidence monitoring, which helps enhance the city’s risk response capability, achieving safer, more stable, and sustainable urban development.


