
P-wave phase identification with combined CEEMD and improved modified energy ratio for high-rate GNSS co-seismic placements

  • 摘要: 针对高频GNSS同震位移在P波震相拾取存在精度低、适应性差、易出错等缺陷,提出了一种联合完备集合经验模态分解(complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise,CEEMD)和改进修正能量比(IMER)的高频GNSS同震位移P波震相识别方法,以克服高频GNSS同震位移的低信噪比、非平稳性对P波震相拾取的影响. 该方法利用CEEMD将小波阈值去噪后的高频GNSS同震波形进行分解,得到若干个本征模态分量(intrinsic mode function,IMF),利用多尺度排列熵(multi-scale permutation entropy,MPE)对IMF分量进行频带分组,并对高频分量进行信号重构,最后利用IMER方法对重构信号进行P波初至的准确拾取. 采用美国加利福尼亚州Ridgecrest地区震时台站高频GNSS数据为研究对象,对获取的同震位移和速度波形进行P波初至拾取. 结果表明,与三种传统方法相比,本文方法对P波初至拾取精度最高,可为地震预警、震后灾害快速评估等提供技术支撑.


    Abstract: In view of the shortcomings of low accuracy, poor adaptability, and error-prone P-wave phase picking in high-rate GNSS co-seismic displacements, a method combining complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition (CEEMD) and improved modified energy ratio (IMER) for high-rate GNSS co-seismic displacement P-wave phase identification is proposed to overcome the impact of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and non-stationarity on P-wave phase picking. This method first decomposes the high-rate GNSS co-seismic waveform after wavelet threshold denoising using CEEMD to obtain several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Then, multiscale permutation entropy (MPE) is used to group the IMF components into frequency bands, and the signal is reconstructed from the high-frequency components. Finally, the IMER method is applied to accurately pick up the first arrivals of the P-wave in the reconstructed signal. The method is tested using high-rate GNSS data from seismic stations in the Ridgecrest area of California, USA, to pick up the P-wave first arrivals from the acquired co-seismic displacement and velocity waveforms. The results show that, compared with the three traditional methods, CEEMD-IMER has the highest accuracy of P-wave first arrivals pickup and can provide technical support for the early warning of earthquakes and rapid assessment of post-earthquake disasters.


