
GLSSVM elevation fitting model optimized by fruit fly optimization algorithm

  • 摘要: 针对基于最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)高程拟合模型存在参数选取随机的局限性,本文将果蝇优化算法(fruit fly optimization algorithm,FOA)引入到灰色最小二乘支持向量机(grey least square support vector machine,GLSSVM)高程拟合模型中,建立了基于FOA优化的GLSSVM拟合模型. 为了验证提出模型的有效性,结合工程实例,并与GLSSVM、LSSVM进行对比分析,结果表明提出模型具有收敛快、精度高的特点,为GNSS高程拟合提供了新的思路.


    Abstract: Aiming at the limitation of random parameter selection in least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) elevation fitting models, the fruit fly optimization algorithm(FOA) is introduced into the grey least square support vector machine (GLSSVM) elevation fitting model, then a GLSSVM fitting model optimized based on the drosophila algorithm is established. In order to verify the validity of the proposed model, a case study is carried out and compared with GLSSVM and LSSVM. The results show that the proposed model converges faster and has higher accuracy, which provides a new approach for GNSS elevation fitting.


