
Lightweight convolutional neural network-based indoor localization of CSI images

  • 摘要: 针对卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)计算复杂度高和内存占用大的问题,本文提出了一种基于轻量级CNN的信道状态信息(channel state information,CSI)图像指纹被动定位(LCNNLoc)方法. 离线训练阶段,将幅值差矩阵和相位矩阵构造成类似于“RGB”的三通道特征图像;同时设计了一个轻量级CNN架构,利用特征图像作为该框架的输入进行训练,在训练结束时将CNN模型保存为指纹数据库. 在线定位阶段,采用概率加权质心方法实现了实时的位置估计. 实验结果表明,相较于传统方法,LCNNLoc不仅提升了定位精度,还降低了算法运行耗时.


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem of high computational complexity and large memory occupation of convolutional neural network (CNN), this paper proposes a lightweight CNN-based passive localisation method for channel state information (CSI) image fingerprints (LCNNLoc). In the offline training stage, the amplitude difference matrix and phase matrix are constructed into a three-channel feature image similar to "RGB"; at the same time, a lightweight CNN architecture is designed, the feature image is used as the input to train the framework, and the CNN model is saved as a fingerprint database at the end of training. In the online positioning stage, real-time position estimation was achieved using a probability weighted centroid method. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional method, LCNNLoc not only improves the positioning accuracy, but also reduces the algorithm running time consuming.


