Data preprocessing is a prerequisite for achieving high-precision positioning with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and is also a vital step in data processing. As the number of satellite systems, numbers, and versions of Receiver Independent EXchange format (RINEX) increase, the GNSS data types and formats become progressively complex. Thought there are various data preprocessing software options available, multiple programs are required to complete the preprocessing stage, resulting in inefficiency and complexity. Therefore, to achieve efficient data preprocessing, developers have created the “RINGO” data preprocessing software, which supports all RINEX versions of multi-system data preprocessing. To achieve effective data preprocessing, developers created the “RINGO” software which supports all RINEX versions of multi-system data preprocessing. The study demonstrates the main functions, usage and principles of RINGO, with a focus on investigating and explaining confusing functions such as receiver clock jump correction. The test results demonstrate that RINGO can effectively and independently preprocess vast amounts of multi-system GNSS data, which can significantly ease the complex task of GNSS data management and foster the adoption of the latest version of RINEX observation records.