
Analysis of the impact of GNSS observation types on the accuracy of short baseline geodetic height difference

  • 摘要: 基于某市C级网的观测数据,分析了采用不同原始观测值和无电离层组合等四种不同基线解算策略对短基线大地高差精度的影响,结果发现,仅通过基线较差分析难以评估不同解算策略的基线处理精度. 为此,联合二等水准测量和似大地水准面模型对基线结果进行了外部检核,发现采用无电离层组合的结果中大地高差存在约2.2 cm的系统差,而使用原始双频观测值的结果精度最高,是短基线处理的最佳策略.


    Abstract: Based on observation data from a C-grade network in a city, the impact of four different baseline calculation strategies on the accuracy of geodetic height difference for short baselines is analyzed, which uses different raw observations and ionosphere-free combination. The result shows that it is difficult to evaluate the baseline processing accuracy of different calculation strategies through the analysis of repeated baseline differences. Therefore, external verification of baseline results was carried out through the combination of second-class leveling measurements and a quasi-geoid model. It is found that there is a systematic error of about 2.2 cm in the geodetic height difference in the results of using ionosphere-free combination, while the results of using raw dual-frequency measurements have the highest accuracy which is the best strategy for processing short baselines.


