
Refinement of BKlob model based on multi-source data

  • 摘要: 北斗三号全球卫星导航系统(BDS-3)开通了全球服务,BDS Klobuchar(BDSklob)模型的服务区域也拓展至全球范围,BDSklob模型全球化后的性能引起了极大的关注. 针对北斗二号卫星导航系统(BDS-2)播发的BDSklob模型在服务区域外精度不高、两极地区改正异常情况,本文基于参数精化方法,利用经验模型IRI-Plas-2017、北斗全球广播电离层延迟修正模型(BDGIM),以及欧洲定轨中心(CODE)的全球电离层格网(GIM)产品多源数据提出新的BDSklob模型精细化方案多源数据精细化法. 结果表明:各个数据源精细化方法对BDSklob模型性能都有明显提升,尤其是在极地区域;BDSklob_C(数据源为CODE的GIM产品)处理结果精度最高;BDSklob_B(数据源为BDGIM)精度次之,但不借助外部数据源,在北斗系统中即可完成精化处理;BDSklob_I(数据源为IRI模型)精度稍差,但基于经验模型的预测性,可以满足实时精化处理的需要.


    Abstract: BDS-3 has launched global services, and the service area of the BDS Klobuchar (BDSklob) model has also expanded to a global scale. The global performance of the BDSklob model has also attracted great attention. In response to the low accuracy of the BDSklob model outside the service area and abnormal correction in polar regions during the BDS-2 period, this paper proposes a new BDSklob model refinement scheme-multi-source data refinement method-based on parameter refinement method, using empirical models IRI-Plas-2017, BDGIM model, and multi-source data from CODE’s GIM products. The results show that the refinement methods of various data sources have significantly improved the performance of the BDSklob model, especially in polar regions; BDSklob_ C (GIM product with CODE data source) has the highest processing accuracy; BDSklob_ B (data source is BDGIM) takes the second place in accuracy, but without the help of external data sources, refinement processing can be completed in the Beidou system; BDSklob_ the accuracy of I (data source is IRI model) is slightly poor, but based on the predictive ability of empirical models, it can meet the needs of real-time refinement processing.


