
Universal positioning based on gravity

  • 摘要: 万有引力由质量引起,不容易受到干扰. 在地球及其周围空间中,对物体的万有引力影响最大的是地球,其次是地球附近的天体. 因为不同位置所受到的万有引力的大小和方向是随时间规律变化的,而物体受到的万有引力的大小和方向是可以被测量的. 因此,存在通过物体所受万有引力反推其所在位置的可能. 本文探讨了通过测量物体所受万有引力变化进行普适定位的方法,通过正演和反演仿真,证明通过万有引力进行普适定位是可行的. 并且验证了基于万有引力定位的定位误差与观测误差之间的数值关系.


    Abstract: Gravity is caused by mass and is not susceptible to interference. In the vicinity of the Earth, the greatest influence on the gravitational force of an object is the Earth, followed by the celestial bodies in the vicinity of the Earth. The magnitude and direction of the gravitational force varies with time from and it is regular, while the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force on an object’s location can be measured. Therefore, there is the possibility of positioning inversion by gravity. This paper discusses the universal positioning method by measuring gravity, through forward and inverse simulation, consider it is feasible to positioning through gravity. Then verify the relationship between the positioning error and the observation error.


