BDS-3 PPP/INS紧组合定位性能分析

Performance analysis of BDS-3 PPP/INS tightly-coupled positioning

  • 摘要: 随着我国北斗三号全球卫星导航系统(BDS-3)的全面建成,基于BDS-3的高精度定位定姿应用需求日益迫切. 推导了无电离层组合模式BDS-3 精密单点定位(PPP)模型及地心地固坐标系下的惯性导航系统(INS)误差方程,构建了BDS-3 PPP/INS紧组合定位滤波模型,分别针对BDS-3 PPP、BDS-3 PPP/INS松组合、BDS-3 PPP/INS紧组合三种模式进行了定位性能评估. 实验结果表明:BDS-3 PPP/INS松组合与 BDS-3 PPP位置精度基本一致;BDS-3 PPP/INS紧组合在东(E)、北(N)、天顶(U)方向位置精度为分别7.9 cm、9.3 cm、9.4 cm,较BDS-3 PPP/INS松组合位置精度分别提升了38.3%、33.1%、35.6%,速度精度分别提升了27.3%、45.8%、12%,姿态精度相当.


    Abstract: With the completion of BDS-3 in China, the requirements of high-precision positioning and attitude determination based on BDS-3 is increasingly urgent. This paper derives the BDS-3 precise point positioning(PPP)model with ionosphere-free combination and inertial navigation system(INS)error equation in geocentric fixed coordinate system , and constructs the BDS-3 PPP/INS tight combination filtering model. This paper evaluates the positioning performance of BDS-3 PPP, BDS-3 PPP/INS loose combination model and BDS-3 PPP/INS tight combination model. The results of the experiment show that the position accuracy of BDS-3 PPP/INS loose combination is basically the same as that of BDS-3 PPP, the position accuracy of BDS-3 PPP/INS tight combination model in the east, north and sky directions is 7.9 cm, 9.3 cm and 9.4 cm, which is higher than that of BDS-3 PPP/INS loose combination model by 38.3%, 33.1% and 35.6%; the speed is improved by 27.3%, 45.8% and 12% respectively in three directions; the attitude accuracy of both is equal.


