
Positioning performance analysis of single epoch RTK with Beidou-3 new frequency point (B1C/B2a)

  • 摘要: 北斗三号全球卫星导航系统(BDS-3)新频点B1C/B2a有效增加了北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)多频组合定位的多样性,并提升了定位性能. 为系统地评估BDS-3新频点实时动态(RTK)定位性能,选取6个MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment)测站构成三条基线,设计了BDS-3 B1I/B3I/B1C/B2a/B2b五种单频方案,BDS-2 B1I+B2I、BDS-2 B1I+B3I、BDS-3 B1C+B2a、BDS-3 B1I+B3I、BDS-2/BDS-3 B1I+B3I五种双频非组合方案和BDS-3 B1I+B3I+B1C+B2a+B2b五种频非组合方案进行RTK解算试验. 试验结果表明:当基线长度不超过25 km时,在静态模式下,东 (E)、北(N)和天顶(U)方向的BDS-3新频点B1C/B2a单频定位精度分别优于2.85 cm、1.67 cm和4.02 cm,双频定位精度分别优于1.63 cm、1.33 cm和3.26 cm,五频定位精度分别优于2.04 cm、1.12 cm和3.17 cm;在动态模式下, E、N和U方向的新频点单频定位精度分别优于3.03 cm、1.45 cm和6.49 cm,双频定位精度分别优于1.92 cm、0.95 cm和6.71 cm,五频定位精度分别优于2.32 cm、0.91 cm和4.89 cm. 两种模式下BDS-3新频点B1C+B2a与旧频点B1I+B3I双频定位精度相当,均优于BDS-2 B1I+B2I与B1I+B3I双频定位精度,同时BDS-3五频非组合方案定位精度与稳定性均优于单频和双频非组合方案.


    Abstract: The design of new frequency points (B1C/B2a) for BDS-3 effectively increases the diversity of multi-frequency combination positioning as well as improves the positioning performance of the BDS system. To systematically evaluate the RTK positioning performance of the new frequency point for BDS-3, 6 MGEX tracking stations were selected to form three baselines. Five single-frequency schemes of BDS-3 B1I/B3I/B1C/B2a/B2b, five dual-frequency uncombined schemes of BDS-2 B1I+B2I, BDS-2 B1I+B3I, BDS-3 B1C+B2a, BDS-3 B1I+B3I, BDS-2/BDS-3 B1I+B3I and a five-frequency uncombined scheme of BDS-3 B1I+B3I+B1C+B2a+B2b were designed for real-title kinematic(RTK) solving tests. When the baseline length does not exceed 25 km, the test results show that, in static mode, in east (E), north (N) and up (U) directions, the single-frequency positioning accuracy of BDS-3 new frequency point B1C/B2a is better than 2.85 cm, 1.67 cm and 4.02 cm respectively, and the dual-frequency positioning accuracy is better than 1.63 cm, 1.33 cm and 3.26 cm respectively, and the five-frequency positioning accuracy is better than 2.04 cm, 1.12 cm and 3.17 cm respectively; in kinematic mode, in E, N and U directions, the single-frequency positioning accuracy is better than 3.03 cm, 1.45 cm and 6.49 cm respectively, and the dual-frequency positioning accuracy is better than 1.92 cm, 0.95 cm and 6.71 cm respectively, and the five-frequency positioning accuracy is better than 2.32 cm, 0.91 cm and 4.89 cm respectively. The dual frequency positioning accuracy of BDS-3 new frequency point B1C+B2a and old frequency point B1I+B3I are compared in both modes, and are both better than that of the the BDS-2 B1I+B2I and B1I+B3I dual frequency. In addition, the positioning accuracy and stability of BDS-3 five-frequency uncombined scheme are better than single-frequency and dual-frequency uncombined schemes.


