
Evaluation of PPP-RTK under ionospheric scintillation

  • 摘要: 精密单点定位(PPP)-实时动态(RTK)技术借助区域大气改正数可实现快速精密定位, 被认为是未来自动驾驶的首选技术. 然而,PPP-RTK在电离层闪烁环境下难以维持稳定可靠的定位,闪烁已成为PPP-RTK面临的重大挑战之一. 本文阐述了PPP-RTK模型和电离层闪烁特性,并基于香港卫星定位参考站网(SatRef)的实验数据从观测质量、周跳探测、大气产品和终端定位性能四个层面评估了电离层闪烁对PPP-RTK的影响. 结果表明:闪烁会降低观测质量,增大周跳误判的概率;GPS、Galileo、BDS三系统改正数精度分别降低了64.7%、64.0%、247.5%,改正数总数减少了4.5个;PPP-RTK定位误差较平静期增大了11.8倍,固定率下降了55.76%;GPS、Galileo、BDS三系统融合解算可大幅改善定位性能,较单GPS解算定位精度提升了93.06%,固定率提升了51.88%,但仍无法达到平静期的效果.


    Abstract: Precise point positioning real time kinematic (PPP-RTK) enables fast and precise positioning with the precise atmospheric corrections from the regional network, and it is regarded as the technology of choice for autonomous driving. However, PPP-RTK is hardly maintaining stable and reliable positioning result under ionospheric scintillation which has become one of the major challenges for PPP-RTK. In this contribution, the PPP-RTK model and ionospheric scintillation characteristics are introduced. The impact of ionospheric scintillation on PPP-RTK is analyzed in four aspects: observation quality, circumferential hop detection, atmospheric products and positioning performance based on the GNSS observations from the Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network. The results show that ionospheric scintillation reduces observation quality and increases the probability of wrong cycle slip detection. The accuracy of the corrections of GPS, Galileo, and BDS decreased by 64.7%, 64.0%, 247.5%, respectively, and the number of which decreased by 4.5. Finally, the positioning accuracy of PPP-RTK is increases by 11.8 times compared with the normal period, and the fixing percentage is reduced by 55.76%. The GEC mixed solution can significantly improve the positioning performance, of which the positioning accuracy in improved by 93.06% and the fixing percentage is increased by 51.88% compared with the GPS-only solution.


