
The multifunctional BeiDou emergency position indicating radio beacon for smart fishing boat

  • 摘要: 为克服传统卫星紧急无线电示位标(EPIRB)定位精度差、功能单一的不足,满足渔船信息化、智能化的需求,设计了一种基于北斗定位和短报文通信技术的新型多功能示位标. 首先,进行了示位标的硬件设计;其次,进行了示位标在极端恶劣海况下的偏转角仿真实验和不同姿态下的短报文收发测试,提出了基于示位标姿态的短报文发送机制;最后,进行了实验验证. 结果表明:基于示位标姿态的短报文发送机制能够有效提高短报文投递率,设计的多功能北斗示位标在智慧渔船应用中具有良好的推广前景.


    Abstract: A new type of multifunctional Emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) based on BeiDou positioning and short message communication technology was designed to overcome the shortcomings of poor positioning accuracy and single function of traditional EPIRB and meet the needs of informatization and intelligence of fishing boats. Firstly, the hardware of EPIRB were carried out. Secondly, the yaw angle simulation experiment of EPIRB in the extreme sea conditions and the message transmission and reception test were performed, and a short message sending mechanism based on the EPIRB attitude under different attitudes are proposed. Finally, experiments are conducted to verify the mechanism, and the experimental results show that the short message sending mechanism based on the EPIRB attitude can improve effectively the short message delivery rate, and the multifunctional BeiDou EPIRB designed in this paper has a good promotion prospect in the application of smart fishing boats.


