
Analysis of the effect of gravity field models on precise orbit determination of Swarm satellites

  • 摘要: 采用星载GPS观测数据与简化动力学定轨方法,在方程中引入伪随机脉冲参数,从而实现对Swarm卫星的精密定轨. 详细分析了不同阶次的GOCO06s地球重力场模型对Swarm卫星简化动力学定轨精度的影响,对比了PGM2000a、EIGEN-2、EGM2008以及GECO重力场模型展开到100阶次时Swarm卫星解算的轨道精度. 结果表明:当GOCO06s地球重力场模型阶次处于30~100阶次时,Swarm-A、Swarm-B和Swarm-C卫星在径向、切向、法向上的定轨精度随着GOCO06s阶次的不断增加而越来越高,而在高于100阶次时,定轨精度基本稳定,且在各方向定轨精度优于3 cm. 此外,采用100阶次GECO、EGM2008和GOCO06s模型对三颗Swarm卫星进行定轨,解算的轨道精度相当,且要高于同阶次其他重力场模型的定轨结果.


    Abstract: In order to obtain the precise orbits of the Swarm satellite, the satellite-borne GPS data and reduced-dynamic orbit determination method are adopted, and the pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters are introduced into the equation. The influence of GOCO06s Earth gravity field model with different degree on the accuracies of the solved orbits for Swarm satellite are analyzed in detail, and the orbit accuracies of Swarm satellite are investigated and compared using PGM2000a, EIGEN-2, EGM2008 and GECO gravity field models with 100 degree. The results show that when the degree of GOCO06s gravity field model increase between 30 and 100, the orbit accuracies of Swarm-A, Swarm-B and Swarm-C satellite in radial, tangential and normal directions will be higher and higher. However, when the degree is higher than 100, the orbit determination accuracy is basically stable, and the orbit determination accuracy is better than 3 cm in all directions. In addition, the EGM2008, GECO and EGM2008 GOCO06s models with 100 degree are used to determine the orbit of three Swarm satellites. The orbit accuracy of the solutions is equivalent and higher than that of other gravity field models of the same degree.


