
BeiDou space-time blockchain

  • 摘要: 简要介绍了区块链技术的工作量证明共识算法. 指出了时空歧义会引起共识分歧,并导致效率降低、算力浪费. 提出了通过北斗短报文服务传输共路信令,可以构造无尺度网络,规避网络异步生态,并在区块链应用方面做了较深入地探讨. 指出了所有分布式的行为都可以应用区块链技术来解决信任问题. 论述了将区块链技术用于现实世界时应该同时保证账本可信、物理可信和时空可信. 提出了北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的作用不仅能便捷可靠的采集时空标签,而且更深层的意义在于BDS定位、导航和授时(PNT)服务具备时空可信性,具体包括:服务泛在性、基准统一性、时空自洽性、因果必然性和共识同步性. 最后,对北斗时空区块链的具体应用进行了分类和介绍,包括流程全链监管、资源高效共享和任务众创协作.


    Abstract: It is briefly introduced the proof-of-work consensus algorithm of blockchain technology. It is pointed out that the ambiguity of space-time will cause consensus divergence, and lead to reduced efficiency and waste of computing power. It is proposed to transmit common-channel signaling through BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) short message service, which can construct a scale-free network and avoid the asynchronous network ecology. It is also made a more in-depth discussion on the application of blockchain, and pointed out that all distributed behaviors can apply blockchain technology to solve the trust problem. Discussed that when blockchain technology is used in the real world, it should ensure the credibility of the ledger, the credibility of the physical and the credibility of space-time at the same time. It is proposed that the role of BeiDou is not only convenient and reliable to collect space-time tags, but also has the deeper meaning that the BeiDou positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) service has space-time credibility, including: service ubiquity, benchmark uniformity, space-time self-consistency, causal inevitability and consensus synchronization. Finally, the specific application of the BeiDou space-time blockchain is classified and introduced, including: full-chain supervision of processes, efficient resource sharing, and task crowd-creation collaboration.


