
Reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbit determination of Jason-3 based on satellite-borne GPS data

  • 摘要: 利用Jason-3星载GPS观测数据,采用简化动力学方法和运动学方法对Jason-3卫星进行精密定轨研究. 通过载波相位残差、重叠轨道对比、参考轨道对比和卫星激光测距(SLR)轨道检核四种方式评定轨道精度. 计算相位残差均方根(RMS)值,简化动力学轨道的RMS值在0.7~0.8 cm,运动学轨道的RMS值在0.50~0.55 cm;简化动力学轨道重叠部分径向RMS值达到0.32 cm,运动学轨道重叠部分径向RMS值达到1.12 cm;与国际DORIS服务(IDS)官方提供的参考轨道对比,简化动力学轨道径向精度达到1.47 cm,运动学轨道径向精度达到4.36 cm;利用SLR观测数据进行核验,简化动力学轨道精度整体优于2.1 cm,运动学轨道精度整体优于3.3 cm. 通过实验证明:Jason-3卫星的简化动力学轨道和运动学轨道的精度均达到cm级.


    Abstract: The satellite-borne GPS data are used to determine precise orbit of Jason-3 satellite with the reduced-dynamic method and the kinematic method. The orbital accuracy is assessed by the carrier phase residual analysis, overlapping orbit comparison, comparison with reference orbit and satellite laser ranging (SLR) checks. The result show that the variation range of phase residuals for reduced-dynamic orbit is 0.7 cmto 0.8 cm, the variation range of phase residuals for kinematic orbit is 0.50 cm to 0.55 cm. The radial root mean square (RMS) error of the reduced-dynamic overlapping orbits is 0.32 cm, and the same error of the kinematic overlapping orbits is 1.12 cm. Compared with the reference orbits released by international DORIS service(IDS), the radial RMS of reduced-dynamic orbits is about 1.47 cm, and the radial RMS of kinematic orbits is about 4.36 cm. Results of SLR checks show that the reduced-dynamic orbital accuracy is better than 2.1 cm, and the kinematic orbital accuracy is better than 3.3 cm. The experimental results proved that the accuracy of both reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbits of Jason-3 altimetry satellite were at centimeter level, which could meet the accuracy requirements of satellite orbit.


