
Application of BDS in an integrated intelligent safety helmet

  • 摘要: 随着自动化仪器越来越普及,工程现场应用的智能化安全头盔,已经为国内外用户所重视. 为加快一体化智能安全头盔的商业化生产步伐,本文作者设计了一套基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)一体化智能安全头盔的操作人员工作环境监测与安全评估系统. 通过获取一氧化碳(CO)浓度、温度、湿度等所处环境的实际情况,实现操作人员工作状况的目标定位和监测数据传输,实现控制台对操作人员工作环境实时安全评估、轨迹追踪及灾害预警功能.


    Abstract: The demand for intelligent safety helmets is applied at engineering sites, and has been valued by domestic and international users as automated instruments become more and more popular. BeiDou satellite positioning system (BDS) development technology has become the new highland of science and technology innovation in today's world. In order to accelerate the pace of commercial production of integrated intelligent safety helmet, it is urgent to strengthen the long term monitoring of the environment the operator works. This paper designs a system based on BDS, which can provide operator's environment monitoring and assessment. By showing carbon dioxide (CO) concentration, temperature, humidity, and the actual situation of the environment in which the operator works, the targeting and the monitoring data transmission of the operator's working condition can be realized. Also, real-time safety assessment of the working environment under different working conditions, trajectory tracking and disaster warning functions can be accomplished.


