
Performance analysis of BDS/GNSS precision point positioning

  • 摘要: 随着北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的全球组网成功,基于BDS的应用研究正在如火如荼的进行中,尤其是包括BDS在内的多频多模融合定位正成为研究的重点. 利用MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment)多个测站的BDS、GPS、GLONASS、Galileo观测数据,基于RTKLIB开源代码,在Visual Studio 2017平台上进行了BDS/GPS、BDS/GLONASS、BDS/Galileo三种组合系统的精密单点定位(PPP)实验,从静态PPP、动态PPP、可见卫星数、精度衰减因子(DOP)等方面对比分析了三种组合系统的定位性能. 实验结果表明:BDS/GPS组合系统的可见卫星数最多,各DOP值最小,静态PPP收敛后三个方向的精度优于6 cm. 不论是静态PPP还是动态PPP,其定位性能都最好;BDS/GLONASS、BDS/Galileo组合系统动态PPP的定位抖动较大,可见卫星数都要小于BDS/GPS组合系统,收敛时间较长,两者的动态PPP定位性能也差于BDS/GPS组合系统.


    Abstract: With the success of the global networking of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), the application research based on the BDS is in full swing, especially the multi-frequency and multi-mode fusion positioning including BDS is becoming the focus of research. This article uses BDS (BDS-3), GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo observation data from multiple stations in the MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment), based on RTKLIB open source code, and performs the precision point positioning experiment of the three combined systems BDS/GPS, BDS/GLONASS, and BDS/Galileo on the Visual Studio 2017 platform. The positioning performance of the three combined systems is compared and analyzed from static PPP, dynamic PPP, number of visible satellites, and attenuation of precision (DOP). The experimental results show that the BDS/GPS combined system has the largest number of visible satellites and the smallest DOP value. The accuracy of the three directions after static PPP convergence is better than 6 cm. Whether it is static or dynamic, its positioning performance is the best. The dynamic precise point positioning (PPP) positioning jitter of the BDS/GLONASS and BDS/Galileo combined system is relatively large. It can be seen that the number of satellites is smaller than the BDS/GPS combined system, and the convergence time is longer. The dynamic PPP positioning performance of the two is also worse than that of the BDS/GPS combined system.


