
BDS-3 precision analysis of precise point positioning

  • 摘要: 2020年7月31日,北斗三号全球卫星导航系统(BDS-3)正式开通. BDS-3增加播发B1C、B2a新信号,结合原有北斗二号(BDS-2)的B1I、B2I、B3I信号,5个频点形成7种消电离层组合,进行双频精密单点定位(PPP)研究,结果表明所有组合PPP定位精度在厘米级.


    Abstract: The construction of the third-generation of Chinese BeiDou navigation system (BDS-3) was officially completed the construction on July 31, 2020. The BDS-3 provided new signals, B1C and B2a. Combining with B1I, B2I, and B3I signals from the second-generation of Chinese BeiDou novigation system (BDS-2), the article formed seven ionosphere-free combinations between different frequency to conduct dual frequency Precise Point Positioning (PPP) research. Results show that the positioning accuracy of all PPP combinations is on the order of centimeters.


