
Design of environment monitoring and assessment system for natural gas hydrate exploitation based on BDS

  • 摘要: 天然气水合物(NGH)开发技术已成为当今世界科技创新的前沿. NGH资源需要安全开发和环境保护并重,为加快海底NGH商业化生产步伐,亟需加强海底开采环境长期监测工作,为此设计了一套基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的NGH开采环境监测与评估系统. 通过展现大气、海水、海床、井下“四位一体”的3D可视化海洋立体空间场景,实现NGH开采环境传感器的实时数据采集及远距离传输,实现海底开采环境实时安全分析、跟踪及预警功能.


    Abstract: Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) development technology has become the frontier of scientific and technological innovation in the world. In the development of NGH resources, both safety development and environmental protection should be paid equal attention, in order to accelerate the commercialization of NGH production in the seabed, it is urgent to strengthen the long-term environment monitoring of seabed exploitation. This paper designs an environment monitoring and assessment system for NGH exploitation based on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). By displaying the atmosphere, sea water, seabed and underground well of 'four in one' 3D visualization marine stereoscopic space scene, we can obtain the real-time data acquisition and remote transmission of NGH exploitation environment sensors, and realize the real-time safety analysis, tracking and warning function of exploitation environment in the seabed.


