
Data quality and SPP positioning performance analysis of BDS-3

  • 摘要: 北斗三号(BDS-3)已完成建设,在此之际对BDS-3观测数据质量及定位性能进行研究分析是一项很有意义且必要的工作. 本文利用MGEX(Multi-GNSS Experiment)站的观测数据评估分析了BDS-3的观测数据质量及伪距单点定位精度,并同时与北斗二号(BDS-2)、GPS的定位精度进行对比分析. 结果表明:BDS-3在各测站的数据完整率都在95%以上;各频段的信噪比均值均高于45 dB·Hz,但地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星信噪比频繁大幅波动;各类型卫星的伪距多路径平均值都低于35 cm,大部分卫星的伪距观测值噪声普遍小于0.3 m. BDS-2/BDS-3组合定位精度相较于BDS-2、BDS-3均有不同幅度的提升,但在高纬度地区对BDS-3定位精度提升幅度很小. BDS-3在全球各区域均能获得水平优于3 m、高程优于4 m的定位精度,与GPS定位性能大致相当.


    Abstract: The construction of BDS-3 has been completed. At this time, it is very meaningful and necessary to carry out the study and analysis of BDS-3 data quality and positioning performance. Observation data of MGEX stations were used to assess the observation data quality and pseudorange single-point positioning accuracy of BDS-3. Meanwhile, the positioning accuracy of BDS-2 and GPS were compared with BDS-3. The results show that the data integrity rate of BDS-3 at each station is above 95%. The average signal-to-noise ratio of each frequency band is higher than 45 dB·Hz, but signal-to-noise ratio of GEO satellite fluctuates frequently. The average value multipath error of various types of BDS-3 satellites are all less than 35 cm, and the pseudorange noise of most BDS-3 satellites is generally less than 0.3 m. Compared with BDS-2 and BDS-3, the positioning accuracy of BDS-2/BDS-3 has been improved to different extents, but the improvement of BDS-3 positioning accuracy in high latitude areas is very small. BDS-3 can obtain a positioning accuracy better than 3 m and 4 m in horizontal and vertical directions in all regions of the world, which is roughly comparable to GPS positioning performance.


