
Unmanned aerial vehicle realistic 3D modeling accuracy analysis considering control point uniformity

  • 摘要: 无人机(UAV)倾斜摄影技术以其低成本、高效率、高精度等优点成为实景三维模型构建的主流. 实景三维模型的精度受很多因素影响,研究主要从控制点分布均匀性的角度出发,探究其对实景三维模型精度的影响,提出一种较为普适的控制点均匀性衡量指标. 研究中设计了两种不同数目的控制点实验,每种实验各包含3种不同均匀性分布方案. 使用UAV获取实验区航空影像,分别采用6种方案参与模型构建. 通过分析模型精度,结果表明:控制点均匀性较低时实景三维模型精度较差,高程精度比平面精度差;增加控制点的均匀性会提升模型的整体精度;控制点均匀性的提升对均匀性较低时模型精度的改善较高;控制点均匀性可作为一种评价指标应用于外业控制点的布设中去.


    Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tilt-photography technology has become the mainstream of the construction of three-dimensional real-field models with its advantages of low cost, high efficiency and high precision. The accuracy of the real 3D model is affected by many factors. This study is mainly focused on the point of view of the uniformity of the control point distribution, to explore its impact on the accuracy of the real 3D model, and propose a more general measure of control point uniformity. Two experiments with different numbers of control points are designed, and each experiment contains three different uniformity distribution schemes. Aerial images of the experimental area were obtained by UAV, and six schemes were adopted to participate in model. By analyzing the model accuracy, the results show that: the accuracy of the real 3D model is poorer when the uniformity of the control points is lower, and the elevation accuracy is worse than the plane accuracy. Increasing the uniformity of the control points will improve the overall accuracy of the model. The improvement of the uniformity of the control points will improve the accuracy of the model at a lower uniformity; the uniformity of the control points can improve the accuracy of the model at a lower uniformity. The uniformity of the control points can improve the accuracy of the model at a lower uniformity. The uniformity of the control points can improve the accuracy of the real 3D model at a lower uniformity. The uniformity of the control points can be used as an evaluation indicator in the deployment of field control points.


