
Analysis on the influence of angle measurement error of airborne early warning radar on detection track

  • 摘要: 针对载机转弯时段,机载预警雷达系统探测航迹偏差较大的问题,建立载机姿态、预警雷达测角与探测航迹数据的坐标转换关系模型,剖析了航迹偏差影响机理. 首先对预警雷达系统存在测角误差的情况下,平台姿态变化与探测目标投影位置关系的分析,建立坐标转换矩阵,编写仿真程序,然后利用实际飞行数据进行仿真运算,仿真验证结果与预警雷达实际探测情况一致. 分析结果证实了引起航迹偏差的主要原因是仰角系统误差,明晰了误差传递途径,促进了机载预警雷达系统研制改进.


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem of large track deviation detected by airbone warning radar system in the turning period of airbone early warning aircraft during test flight, the coordinate transformation model of the attitude of the aircraft, the angle of early warning radar and the detection track data was established, and the influence mechanism of track deviation was analyzed. Firstly, the relationship between the platform attitude change and the projected position of the detection target is analyzed in the case of angle measurement error of the early warning radar system, the coordinate transformation matrix is established, and the simulation program is written. Then, the actual flight data is used for simulation operation, and the simulation results are consistent with the actual detection of the early warning radar. The analysis results prove that the main causes of the track deviation is systematic error of angle measurement, clarify the error transmission path, and help to promote the development and improvement of airborne early warning radar system.


