
New method for helmert transformation without direct conversion parameters and precision analysis

  • 摘要: 针对基于布尔莎模型的Helmert转换公式,当两个坐标参考框架没有直接的转换参数,但可通过“中间过渡”框架进行转换时,推导了由“中间过渡”参数计算直接转换参数的公式,以解决多步“过渡”转换时的复杂和低效问题. 以EUREF公布的714个站点坐标和速度为例,将其从ETRF2014框架转换到ETRF2000框架. 结果表明使用该方法计算的直接转换参数与间接转换相比,坐标差异在 10^-8 m量级,速度差异在 10^-9 m/a量级,精度分析结果验证了该计算方法的可行性.


    Abstract: For two coordinate reference frames which have no direct conversion parameters, a new method is developed to solve the complex and inefficient problem of traditional multi-step "transition" transformation. This paper takes the coordinates and velocities of 714 stations released by EUREF as an example to convert them from the ETRF2014 to the ETRF2000. The results show that, the coordinate and velocity difference between the traditional method and the method proposed in this paper is in the order of 10^-8 meters and 10^-9 meters per year, respectively. The analysis results verify the feasibility of the calculation method.


