
Preliminary analysis of atmospheric water vapor detection performance based on BDS-3

  • 摘要: 对我国刚布署完成的北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3)的大气水汽探测性能作初步分析可更好地发挥BDS-3的气象探测潜能. 采用全球不同位置的台站进行几种手段的对比,探测结果具有代表性和说服力. 研究结果表明:将BDS-3/PWV(大气可降水量)与GPS/PWV对比,平均偏差(BIAS)优于1.0 mm,均方根误差(RMSE)优于2.0 mm,相关系数均在94%以上;BDS-3/PWV与GPS/PWV求差取绝对值后的平均值(MEAN)为1.1 mm,比北斗二号(BDS-2)降低了71%;BDS-3/PWV与GPS/PWVRMSE为1.4 mm,比BDS-2降低了63%. 将BDS-3/PWV与ERA5/PWV对比, BIAS优于2.9 mm,RMSE优于2.8 mm,相关系数均在92%以上,BDS-3/PWV与ERA5/PWVMEAN为2.1 mm,比BDS-2降低了48%;BDS-3/PWV与ERA5/PWVRMSE为1.6 mm,比BDS-2降低了57%. BDS-3探测水汽性能明显优于BDS-2;BDS-3水汽探测结果与GPS、ERA5再分析资料有很好的一致性.


    Abstract: The preliminary analysis of the atmospheric water vapor detection performance of Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system (BDS-3), which has just been deployed in China, can make better use of the meteorological detection potential of BDS-3. In this paper several methods are compared using data from diffent stations around the world. The results are representative and convincing. The results of the study showed, comparing BDS-3/PWV with GPS/PWV, the average deviation (BIAS) was preferable to 1.0 mm, the root mean square error (RMSE) was better than 2.0 mm, and the correlation coefficients were all above 94%; The mean of the absolute values of the difference between of BDS-3/PWV and GPS/PWV (MEAN) was 1.1 mm, which was 71% lower than BDS-2; The RMSE of BDS-3/PWV and GPS/PWV was 1.4 mm, which was 63% lower than BDS-2. Comparing BDS-3/PWV with ERA5/PWV, BIAS was preferable to 2.9 mm, RMSE was better than 2.8 mm, and the correlation coefficient was above 92%. The MEAN of BDS-3/PWV and ERA5/PWV was 2.1 mm, which was better than BDS-2 reduced by 48%; The RMSE of BDS-3/PWV and ERA5/PWV was 1.6 mm, which was 57% lower than BDS-2. The water vapor detection performance of BDS-3 was much better than BDS-2, which was in good agreement with GPS and ERA5 water vapor detection results.


