FU Yan. A method to high precision positioning based on airborne GNSS data[J]. GNSS World of China, 2019, 44(2): 38-45. DOI: DOI:10.13442/j.gnss.1008-9268.2019.02.005
Citation: FU Yan. A method to high precision positioning based on airborne GNSS data[J]. GNSS World of China, 2019, 44(2): 38-45. DOI: DOI:10.13442/j.gnss.1008-9268.2019.02.005

A method to high precision positioning based on airborne GNSS data

  • The ionosphere-weighted model with partial ambiguity resolution(PAR) strategy is proposed to improve the performance of airborne GNSS kinematic positioning: 1) The proposed model is flexible enough for short/long-range kinematic positioning through adaptive ionospheric and tropospheric estimation; 2) The virtual or pseudo ionosphere observation equations are introduced to enhance the model strength; 3) When full ambiguity resolution(AR) is unavailable, an alternative selection is provided to make the best use of integer constraint information. The proposed model is tested with real airborne GNSS kinematic positioning data. Both the AR efficiency and reliability is improved obviously with enhanced model strength and better float ambiguity solution, therefore kinematic positioning results show improvement in precision, reliability as well as the continuity of precision. Test results show that the wide-lane and narrowlane ambiguity fix rate is over 95% and 80% respectively within 2 minutes data.
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