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GNSS World of China

GNSS World of China

LU Jianjun, PENG Xinzhi, FENG Fan, HUANG Chuhan, YUAN Xuelin, ZHU Xiangwei. Anti-spoofing technology based on array antenna signal processing[J]. GNSS World of China, 2024, 49(4): 75-85. DOI: 10.12265/j.gnss.2024019
Citation: LU Jianjun, PENG Xinzhi, FENG Fan, HUANG Chuhan, YUAN Xuelin, ZHU Xiangwei. Anti-spoofing technology based on array antenna signal processing[J]. GNSS World of China, 2024, 49(4): 75-85. DOI: 10.12265/j.gnss.2024019

Anti-spoofing technology based on array antenna signal processing

More Information
  • Received Date: January 29, 2024
  • Available Online: July 07, 2024
  • Global navigation satellite systems play an important role in national infrastructure as well as life safety applications, but the increasing spoofing incidents pose a great threat to GNSS. This paper introduces the anti-spoofing technology based on array antenna signal processing, and summarizes the spoofing interference detection and spoofing interference suppression methods from both uniform and sparse arrays according to the different array configurations. Compared with uniform array, sparse array has larger array aperture and degree of freedom under the same number of antenna elements, which greatly reduces the cost of equipment, but its coherent signal processing technology requires more. Finally, this paper gives the difficulties faced by the anti-spoofing interference technology and its future development trend.
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