Application and accuracy analysis of P4-RTK in irregular deposit volume calculation
Graphical Abstract
Aiming at the volumetric calculation of irregular deposit in the production enterprises, this paper uses the Dajiang P4-RTK drone to carry out a large irregular construction waste deposit in a production enterprise based on the high-precision image data acquisition. Meanwhile, GNSS-RTK had been used to measure the discrete point coordinates of the deposits surface. Using the acquired high-precision image data, the point cloud, DEM, DOM and the 3D model of the surface of the deposit are calculated. Finally, the deposit volumetric had been calculated. Compared with the results of the volume calculation of the discrete three-dimensional coordinate points measured by GNSS-RTK using the DTM method, the P4-RTK unmanned aerial vehicle-free image control technology can be used to calculate the irregular stack. And the volume can meet the requirements of actual production.