
  Modeling of Weighted Mean Temperature and its Application in GPS/PWV

  • 摘要:  大气加权平均温度的准确获取对高精度的GPS水汽反演至关重要。文中基于线性回归理论,在分析加权平均温度与地面温度间相关性的基础上,采用一元线性拟合的方法,建立大气加权平均温度经验模型。最后,采用香港地区2006-2015年无线电探空资料对经验模型进行验证。实验结果表明,文中模型计算加权平均温度的整体均方根误差为2.356 K,较Bevis模型精度提高了41.94%,且季节变化对加权平均温度计算的影响并不明显;对于GPS水汽反演,采用本文经验模型反演水汽的均方根误差为1.807 mm,平均偏差为1.362 mm,能够满足GPS可降水量反演的精度,且优于Bevis模型。


    Abstract: The accurate acquisition of weighted mean temperature is critical to GPS inversion of atmospheric precipitation. Based on the linear regression theory, the correlation between weighted mean temperature (Tm) and surface temperature (Ts) is analyzed. Then linear regression is made to get the empirical formula of Tm with Hong Kong radiosonde data. The results show that the root mean square of the Tm using this paper’s model is 2.356  K, which is 41.94% higher than that of the Bevis model, and the effect of seasonal variation on the Tm accuracy is not significant. Finally, the model of this paper is applied to remote sensing atmospheric water vapor. The root mean square is 1.807 mm, and the mean deviation is 1.362 mm. The results indicated that the model of this paper for Tm can meet the accuracy of GPS inversion of atmospheric precipitation, and better than the Bevis model.


