The Method of Comparative Analysis Sliding and Non Sliding GPS Precise Ephemeris Interpolation
摘要: 本文在GPS卫星5 min精密星历的基础上,使用滑动式和非滑动式的Lagrange多项式插值法、Chebyshev多项式拟合法内插卫星的瞬时坐标,确定了内插精度与插值阶数的关系,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较分析。结果表明,滑动式内插算法能够抑制插值区间端点附近的振荡与跳跃异常,使用较低的插值阶数就可以达到最优的内插精度,在内插精度与稳定性方面都较非滑动式内插算法有所提高。Abstract: Based on the 5-minute precision ephemeris of GPS satellites, this paper uses Lagrange polynomial interpolation with the type of sliding and nonsliding and Chebyshev polynomial fitting method to calculate the instantaneous coordinates of the satellites. The relationship between the precision of interpolation and interpolation order is determined, then the advantages and disadvantages of various methods are compared and analyzed. The results show that the interpolation algorithm with the type of sliding can suppress the oscillation and jumping anomaly near the endpoints in the Interpolation interval and making use of lower interpolation order can achieve optimal interpolation accuracy, in addition, both interpolation accuracy and stability are improved compared to the algorithm of nonsliding interpolation.