Analysis of extreme rainfall characteristics of Datong “817” based on BDS-3 and FY-4A
摘要: 充足的水汽和云相态变化是降雨发生的两个必要条件. 北斗三号卫星导航系统(BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System,BDS-3)可以反演水汽,具有时间分辨率高、精度高的优点;风云四号A星(FY-4A)可提供分辨率为15 min的云相态参数. 本文使用BDS-3和FY-4A数据分析了2022-08-17大通降水发生前后的大气可降水和云相态的时空变化规律,通过对比得到了大通“817”极端降雨三个特征:一是降雨前1 h大气可降水量(perceptible water vapor,PWV)快速上升,速率达到3.17 mm/h,显著超过同期一般降雨水平;二是降雨前云类型存在多层云与不透明冰云的多次变换,最后以不透明冰云形式发生极端降雨;三是极端降雨云顶高度通常大于10 000 m.
- 北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3) /
- 极端降雨 /
- 可降雨量 /
- 云顶参数
Abstract: Adequate water vapor and cloud phase changes are two necessary conditions for rainfall to occur. Based on the BeiDou-3 satellite navigation system, water vapor can be retrieved, which has the advantages of high time resolution and accuracy; FY-4A can provide cloud phase parameters with a resolution of 15 minutes. This article uses the BDS-3 and FY-4A data to analyze the spatiotemporal changes in atmospheric precipitation and cloud phase before and after the occurrence of all precipitation in August 2022. Through comparison, three characteristics of extreme rainfall in Datong “817” were obtained: firstly, the perceptible water vapor increased one hour before rainfall, reaching a rate of 3.17 mm/h, significantly exceeding the general rainfall level of the same period; before the second rainfall, there were multiple changes in cloud types between multi-layer clouds and opaque ice clouds, and eventually extreme rainfall occurred in the form of opaque ice clouds; the third reason is that the height of extreme rainfall cloud tops is usually greater than10000 meters.-
Key words:
- BDS-3 /
- extreme rainfall /
- PWV /
- cloud top parameters
表 1 GNSS与气象数据参数
序号 数据类型 时间分辨率 主要参数 1 气象数据 1 h T、P、RH、Rn 2 GNSS数据 30 s GPS、GLONASS、BDS-3 表 2 FY-4A使用产品参数
序号 数据类型 参数意义 单位 1 CLT 0:Clear/无云; 2:Water Type/暖(液态)水云; 3:Super Cooled Type/过冷水云; 4:Mixed Type/混合云; 5:Ice Type/不透明冰云; 6:Cirrus Type/卷云(半透明冰云); 7:Overlap Type/多层云(上层透明,下层不透明); 9:Uncertain/不确定; 126:Space/空; 127:Fill value/填充值 无 2 CTH 云层顶所处的高度 m 3 CTT 云层顶部温度 K 4 CTP 云层顶部气压 hPa 表 3 PWV解算策略
解算参数 BDS-3 GPS GPS/BDS-3 GPS/GLONASS 解算策略 PPP-Static 载波相位 B1I B2b B3I L1 L2 L5 L1 L2 L5
B1I B2b B3IL1 L2 L5
G1 G2 G3高度截止角 15° ZTD计算间隔 30 s 对流层模型 Saastamoinen 精密星历 精密WHS 表 4 降水前1 h PWV及其变化
序号 Rn/mm PWV/mm PWV上升速率/(mm·h−1) 1 2.9 33.56 0.80 2 3.0 34.76 1.20 3 0.7 29.33 1.73 4 10.2 31.28 0.84 5 8.7 33.33 0.38 6 11.2 35.18 1.64 7 0.1 33.24 0.35 8 40.6 34.52 3.17 9 2.3 33.92 1.19 10 8.5 34.04 1.36 11 0.1 31.98 0.16 12 0.1 27.21 0.25 13 2.5 35.31 0.95 14 0.1 29.97 1.08 15 9.5 29.57 1.19 16 1.2 29.34 0.59 17 0.9 25.59 0.86 18 0.8 23.16 0.40 小结 Corr 0.36 0.79 表 5 CLT统计特征
CLT 暴雨次数
0<Rn<2.5占比/% 2暖(液态)水云 - 8 14 104 28.31 3过冷水云 - 3 9 56 15.28 4混合云 - - 5 28 7.42 5不透明冰云 1 - 6 64 16.85 6卷云(半透明冰云) - - 1 28 6.52 7多层云(上层透明,下层不透明) - - 7 93 22.47 -
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