A high-precision time-frequency synthesis and time keeping method
摘要: 在现代信息化平台建设中,时频系统为平台提供统一的时频基准,其守时性能是平台各组成部分能否高效联动、稳定工作的关键因素. 通过对频率基准源优选、多钟联合时频综合处理技术的分析和研究,提出了一种高精度时频综合及守时方法,设计了一种高精度时频综合及守时系统. 通过优选铷原子钟作为频率基准源、基于多个铷原子钟的原子时综合和驾驭、同类源实时互比选择出最优主钟和备钟,提升系统守时性能并开展了与传统方法的比对试验,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.Abstract: In the construction of modern information platform, the time-frequency system provides a unified time-frequency reference for the platform, and its time keeping performance is the key factor for the efficient linkage and stable work of all components of the platform. Through the analysis and research of frequency reference source optimization and multi-clock integrated time-frequency processing technology, a high-precision time-frequency synthesis and time keeping method is proposed, and a high-precision time-frequency synthesis and time keeping system is designed, through selecting rubidium atomic clock as frequency reference source, atomic time synthesis and control based on multiple rubidium atomic clocks, and real-time cross-comparison of similar sources to select the optimal master clock and the backup master clock, to improve the system's time keeping performance. The feasibility and effectiveness of this method are verified by comparison experiments with the traditional method.
表 1 恒温晶振和铷原子钟性能比较
项目 铷原子钟 恒温晶振 备注 频率准确度 <5×1011 <1×107 关键指标 频率稳定度 <3×1011/1 s <3×1011/1 s 频率漂移 <5×1012 <5×1010 关键指标 工作温度 −40~+60 ℃ −40~+60 ℃ 温度特性 <5×1010 <2×108 关键指标 功耗 ≤7 W@12 V ≤2 W@5 V - 体积 约70 mm×
70 mm×30 mm约25 mm×
25 mm×15 mm- 价格 10 000~25 000元 1 000~10 000元 - -
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