Using signal recording and playback instrument detect the RTK performance of GNSS receiver
摘要: 针对GNSS接收机的实时动态(real-time kinematic, RTK)差分性能检测,提出了采用GNSS信号采集回放仪检测GNSS接收机的RTK性能方法,以解决GNSS接收机在检测中易受观测环境影响的问题. 研究信号采集回放仪回放信号的重复性以及与真实导航卫星信号检测GNSS接收机RTK精度的差异. 经分析,利用信号采集回放仪检测GNSS接收机RTK精度的重复性优于1 mm,说明信号采集回放仪回放的卫星导航信号具有高复现性. 由于信号采集回放仪在存储或回放阶段引入噪声,导致信号采集回放仪检测的RTK性能低于真实卫星导航信号检测的RTK性能,但是噪声带来的误差未超出GNSS接收机标称RTK精度的1/3,符合作为测试设备的要求. 因此采用具有高复现性的信号采集回放仪检测接收机RTK性能是可行的,为GNSS接收机提供了稳定的真实卫星导航信号,对解决由于不同的观测环境导致检测的GNSS接收机性能一致性较差,对接收机研发生产和检测具有指导意义.Abstract: Owing to various observation environment, the real-time kinematic (RTK) performance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver has not been reasonably evaluated. Signal recording and playback instrument detecting the RTK performance of GNSS receiver is proposed. The stability of playback signal and diversity with real GNSS signal are studied. The result show the stability of signal recording and playback instrument is less than 1 mm, this reveals that playback signal has high repeatability. Compared with real GNSS signal, the RTK accuracy of receiver detected by signal recording and playback instrument is lower due to the instrument noise, but accuracy error does not exceed 1/3 of the nominal RTK accuracy, signal recording and playback instrument meets the requirements as test instrument. Therefore, it is feasible to utilize signal recording and playback instrument with high stability detect the RTK performance of GNSS receiver. This method can solve the trouble of poor GNSS receiver consistency, owe to various observation environment. signal recording and playback instrument will be instructive for GNSS receiver research, production and detection.
表 1 仪器设备信息
设备 生产商 型号 GNSS信号
采集回放仪湖南卫星导航科技有限公司 RPS2000 GNSS接收机 广州中海达测绘仪器有限公司 H32(一体机) 广州南方测绘科技股份有限公司 极点(一体机) 千寻位置网络科技有限公司 MR02(分体机) GNSS天线 深圳市华信天线技术有限公司 GPS1000 徕卡测量系统 AR25 表 2 基线水平方向和垂直方向精度
×10−3 m 次数 GNSS信号采集回放仪 真实导航信号 水平 垂直 水平 垂直 1 2.16 8.47 1.99 5.60 2 2.83 10.36 3 2.61 8.39 4 2.56 9.63 5 2.46 8.73 6 3.10 8.05 7 2.12 9.94 8 2.37 9.25 9 3.67 9.98 10 2.64 8.86 重复性 0.46 0.78 表 3 基线水平方向精度
×10−3 m 次数 GNSS信号采集回放仪 真实导航信号 1 12.37 10.62 2 12.53 3 10.91 重复性 0.9 表 4 水平和垂直方向基线精度
×10−3 m 精度 GNSS采集回放仪 真实卫星信号 #9~#3 #9~#4 #9~#3 #9~#4 水平 1.80 1.25 0.81 0.82 垂直 3.30 2.89 2.21 1.34 -
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