Performance evaluation of atmospheric precipitable water vapor inversion of mutil-system GNSS at selected MGEX stations
摘要: 2020年6月北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)完成全面组网,为分析其解算水汽信息的精度,选用15个MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment)测站2021年10月至11月的观测数据进行水汽反演. 利用GAMIT软件分别解算BDS、GPS、Galileo和GLONASS的观测数据,将得到的对流层天顶延迟(ZTD)与国际GNSS服务(IGS)发布的结果进行对比,并将解算的大气可降水量(PWV)分别与探空数据、ERA5数据计算得到的PWV对比. 实验结果表明:截止高度角设置为5°时,4个卫星系统估计的ZTD均方根 (RMS)均小于13 mm,GPS-PWV、BDS-PWV、Galileo-PWV、GLONASS-PWV与无线电探空可降水量(RS-PWV)相比,RMS平均值分别为2.25 mm、2.46 mm、2.52 mm和2.84 mm,RMS均小于3 mm;与ERA5-PWV相比,RMS平均值分别为1.63 mm、1.86 mm、1.76 mm和1.99 mm,RMS均小于2 mm. GPS探测水汽的精度最高,BDS探测水汽的精度低于GPS和Galileo,高于GLONASS,均满足气象学应用需求.
- 北斗卫星导航系统(BDS) /
- 对流层天顶总延迟(ZTD) /
- 大气可降水量(PWV) /
- 探空数据 /
- ERA5
Abstract: In June 2020, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) completed its global coverage deployment. In order to analyze the accuracy of BDS derived water vapor information, the observed data of 15 MGEX stations in October and November 2021 were used to invert carry out water vapor. The well-known comprehensive GNSS data processing software package GAMIT was used to calculate the observation data of BDS, GPS, Galileo and GLONASS respectively, and the tropospheric zenith total delay (ZTD) was compared with the results provided by IGS, and the PWV was compared with the PWV derived from radiosonde and ERA5 data. Results show that when cutoff angle is set to 5°, the root mean square (RMS) of the ZTD estimated by four satellite systems are all less than 13 mm. Compared with RS-PWV, GPS-PWV, BDS-PWV, Galileo-PWV and GLONASS-PWV, the mean RMSs are 2.25 mm, 2.46 mm, 2.52 mm and 2.84 mm, respectively, all RMSs are less than 3 mm. Compared with ERA5-PWV, the mean RMSs are 1.63 mm, 1.86 mm, 1.76 mm and 1.99 mm, respectively, all RMSs are less than 2 mm. GPS has the highest water vapor determination accuracy, while BDS’s accuracy of water vapor detection is lower than that of GPS and Galileo, but higher than GLONASS, which can meet the requirements of meteorological applications. -
表 1 数据解算参数设置
参数选项 参数设置 解算模式 双差 观测值类型 LC_AUTCLN 轨道处理策略 BASELINE 迭代次数 1-ITER 对流层延迟时间分辨率/h 1 截止高度角/(°) $ 5 $ 采样间隔/s 30 海潮模型 Otl.FES2004.grid 对流层模型 Saastamoninen 映射函数模型 VMF1 卫星轨道 WUM精密星历 其他 default 表 2 1959至今基于气压分层ERA5逐小时数据描述
参数 取值 水平分辨率 全球0.25°×0.25° 垂直分辨率 1 000~1 hPa,共 37 个气压层 时间覆盖范围 1959 年至今 时间分辨率/h 1 气象参数 位势、相对湿度、温度、比湿等 16 个气象参数 表 3 不同截止高度角解算的GPS-ZTD的bias和RMS
mm 测站 bias/RMS 0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 25° CUSV 1.99/8.67 1.04/8.61 2.09/8.57 0.75/8.52 2.94/9.63 3.22/10.09 IISC 0.16/5.63 –0.02/5.62 0.34/5.78 –2.88/6.62 1.42/6.23 –4.24/9.04 JFNG –0.30/5.40 –0.32/5.40 –0.29/5.34 –1.15/5.75 –1.17/5.96 3.17/7.55 KIT3 1.06/5.71 0.90/5.68 1.10/5.76 –1.14/5.68 –1.41/6.51 11.96/14.04 POL2 1.04/4.50 0.95/4.54 1.07/4.57 1.74/5.06 8.38/7.63 19.00/20.14 TASH 1.48/4.56 1.37/4.53 1.46/4.60 1.68/4.81 3.59/6.38 11.74/13.25 ULAB –1.88/5.01 –1.60/5.00 –1.80/5.00 –2.76/5.53 –2.95/6.15 –12.67/14.03 URUM –1.20/5.12 –1.02/5.08 –1.14/5.11 –5.05/7.43 –6.01/11.06 –6.46/10.01 WUH2 0.67/7.12 0.56/7.05 0.71/7.04 –1.10/7.17 0.15/6.60 1.26/6.71 平均值 0.34/5.75 0.21/5.72 0.39/5.75 –1.10/6.29 0.55/7.35 3.00/11.65 -
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