Modeling and analysis of the weighted mean temperature used reanalysis meteorological data in Ningxia
摘要: 加权平均温度是全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)气象学中的一个重要物理量,以宁夏地区为例,基于2017年的历史再分析数据,建立了加权平均温度统计栅格模型,并通过与通用加权平均温度统计模型对比. 结果表明:新模型较通用模型在宁夏地区的加权平均温度的统计预报精度有较大幅度的提高,基于精度较高的需求,对于当地历史气象数据构建适合当地的加权平均温度模型是十分必要的.
- 再分析数据 /
- 加权平均温度 /
- 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)气象学 /
- 最小二乘
Abstract: The weighted mean temperature is an important parameter in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) meteorology. A new statistical grid model is established by using the reanalysis meteorological data of 2017 in Ningxia. The comparison shows that the new model is more consistent with the actual value than the results of general model. The analysis shows that in order to meet the requirement of high accuracy. It is necessary to establish a suitable model by using the historical meteorological data of the local area. -
表 1 饱和水汽压公式系数值
系数 平冰面 平液面 a 6.1115 6.1121 b 23.0360 18.6780 c 333.7000 234.5000 d 279.8200 257.1400 -
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