3D reconstruction method of single tower building based on tilt photography
摘要: 针对塔式单体建筑物形状不规则导致三维模型构建失败,提出倾斜摄影技术的塔式单体建筑物三维重建方法. 选用消费型多旋翼无人机搭载单镜头的相机,通过环线拍摄的方式获取多视影像数据,通过ContextCapture软件对获取的多视影像数据进行处理,构建塔式建筑物的实景三维模型,利用外业控制点、纹理细节信息对生成的三维模型精度评定. 试验表明:环线航拍获取多视影像数据构建三维模型,精度较高、模型纹理信息缺失少、完整度高.Abstract: Aiming at the failure of building three-dimensional model due to irregular shape of single tower building, a three-dimensional reconstruction method of tower single building based on inclined photography technology is proposed. First, the consumption type multi rotor unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a single lens camera is selected to obtain the number of multi view images by loop shooting. Then, the multi view image data is processed by ContextCapture software to construct the real three-dimensional model of tower building. Finally, the accuracy of the generated three-dimensional model is evaluated by using the field control points and texture details. The experiment shows that; the loop line aerial photography used to obtains the multi view image data to construct the three-dimensional model has high accuracy, less missing texture information and high integrity.
表 1 经纬M600 Pro飞行平台参数
名称 参数 导航卫星 GPS:L1+L2 (20 Hz);北斗:B1+B2(20 Hz) 飞控系统 A3 Pro 载重重量 6.0 kg 对称电机轴距 1 133 mm 续航时间 35 min 巡航速度 65 km/h 爬升速度 5 m/s 悬停精度 水平1.5 m;垂直0.5 m 最大起飞海拔高度 2 170 R浆:2 500 m 2 195 R浆:4 500 m 起飞方式 无遥控器垂直起降 禅思H20相机 光圈f/2.8-f/11; 2 000 万像素; 程序自动曝光;
影像大小:5 184像素 × 3 888像素表 2 控制点坐标误差统计
m 点号 类型 X Y Z DX DY DZ Check01 外业 **289.138 **121.579 **12.403 −0.015 0.043 0.039 模型 **289.153 **121.536 **12.364 Check02 外业 **306.135 **126.867 **12.415 0.023 0.036 0.036 模型 **306.112 **126.831 **12.379 Check03 外业 **312.629 **118.078 **11.941 0.011 −0.025 −0.045 模型 **312.618 **118.103 **11.986 Check04 外业 **273.809 **125.609 **12.501 −0.022 −0.014 0.038 模型 **273.831 **125.623 **12.463 Check05 外业 **263.506 **119.589 **11.797 −0.025 0.021 0.029 模型 **263.531 **119.568 **11.768 Check06 外业 **254.992 **130.241 **21.015 0.019 −0.023 0.032 模型 **254.973 **130.264 **20.983 Check07 外业 **256.336 **137.488 **46.936 0.037 0.032 −0.039 模型 **256.299 **137.456 **46.975 XRMSE 0.023 YRMSE 0.029 ZRMSE 0.037 -
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