The Impact Analysis of P1C1 Code Bias on Convergence of PPP
摘要: 本文分析卫星端差分码偏差(DCB)产生的原理,根据伪距观测方程推导了精密单点定位(PPP)的DCB改正公式。采用MGEX参考站数据及精密产品进行PPP解算,详细分析了P1C1码偏差对定位参数收敛时间的影响。结果表明,改正DCB对于提高PPP收敛速度效果明显,其中静态PPP收敛时间平均缩短10 min,动态PPP平均缩短20 min,改正P1C1-DCB对PPP精度影响一般在毫米级水平。Abstract: This paper analyzed the satellite differential code bias (DCB) generated principle. Deduced the DCB correction formula of PPP. With multiGNSS experiment data and precise clock/orbit/dcb products, this paper undertakes a thorough evaluation of DCB’s influence on convergence of PPP. The results show the convergence time obviously reduced when corrected P1C1 DCB, in which the static PPP convergence time is reduced by an average of 10 minutes, dynamic PPP average reduced by an average of 20 minutes, correct P1C1 DCB on PPP accuracy is generally in millimeter level.